Soil Savvy - Soil Test Kit (12/Cs)
Soil Testing Simplified! Soil Savvy is a teady-to-use professional-grade soil test kit available to the general public that provides an easy-to-understand fertilizer recommendation tailored to your specific soil or growing medium. Take your soil sample, mail back with the paid postage and receive your full media report in 3–5 days. Ok to use on all outdoor types of media,including indoor media such as peat, coco, soils and composts. The analysis provides a full report, comprised of soil pH and including N, P, K and access to all reports online. Soil Savvy is a truly sustainable approach to fertilizer management. By determining what nutrients are needed by your plants, you eliminate over application of the nutrients they don’t need. The same soil testing technology used by leading agricultural producers, turf managers and landscapers is now available to YOU, the home gardener! Each kit includes all needed components and instructions for use.